Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Confessions

1.  My mom has to remind me as I walk out the door to leave their house that she is parked behind me.  I have been known to back into cars parked in our driveway.
2.  I took my time pumping gas in the freezing cold last night.  An Ace of Base song was on.
3.  Sometimes eHarmony commercials make me cry.
4.  Neil Diamond is my guilty pleasure.
5.  I watch cartoons on Saturday mornings, and I was upset about missing Fanboy and Chum Chum last week.
6.  I have added "House Flipper" to my growing list of what I want to be when I grow up.
7.  When Michael Buble sings Haven't Met You Yet on the radio I slip into a love coma.  This is very dangerous because the only time I listen to the radio is while I'm driving.
8.  I spent the precious hours of my evening on the couch watching my shows last night.  I did nothing else.
9.  When I asked Corey if I could buy a new shirt with my confiscated JCrew credit card I had already bought it online...where they save your information.
10. I am disappointed in the lack of true Saved by the Bell fans on so-called fan sites.

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