Monday, January 10, 2011

Consumer Alert

Dear Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public,

I fear greatly for the sake of your family, and so I must warn you of a simple error that could find you in a whole heap of financial trouble:

There is a can of artichoke hearts that costs $8.59.


I know.  It is hard to believe, but this can sits next to those ranging from $1.35 to $2.49.  How, possibly, could this particular brand cost so much? 

Do the farmers irrigate with Evian?

Are the artichokes fertilized by golden donkey poo?

I cannot say.  But I do know from personal experience how easy it is to see this can, and then see the price of the can next to it ($1.35) and think that is the price of the can you are holding in your hand, and then raise your eyebrow at the cashier who gives you your total which you believe to be too high, and then walk out of the store vowing to return to get your $7.24 back at a time when you are not rushing to get home and make your artichoke heart and parmesan pita pizza only to be told at that time the price is actually correct, and then walk out of the store all embarrassed because you almost got nasty to the customer service lady.

Save yourself.  Check the prices.


S. Lucas

PS. Corey, sorry this is the first you're learning I actually bought a can of artichoke hearts that cost $8.59.  Artichoke hearts that tasted the same as the cheapo ones.  Whoopsie!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

How did Corey like the artichoke heart and parmesan pita pizza?? Love Mom.