Monday, April 4, 2011

Driving Miss Dizzy

I spent some time with my sister, Kimberlie, over the weekend.  We drove down to Albany for a play our friend Liz's (aka, sister from another mother and father) step-daughter was in.

Kimberlie provided the in-flight entertainment.

In Starbuck's drive through:

"I have to pee."

"Me too."

"I guess we shouldn't be getting coffee."


"Because coffee is a diuretic."

"What does that mean?"

"It makes you have to pee."

"Oh.  I thought it meant it gives you diabetes..."


(later, passing a car with a Massachusetts license plate)

"I'm glad we didn't end up moving there.  I wouldn't be able to say my state's name!"

"What?  You can't say Massachusetts??"

"No, I always end up swearing at the end."



"Hahahahahaha!!  It's MassaCHuSetts."


"Hahaha(snort)hahaha!!  Ok, ok, let's practice.  Repeat after me: Massa..."






(i wish i could tell you she was joking)

"Ok, try this: MassaChu..."











"Stacie, I think I'm better off saying Massa-two-shits than MassaChu...Setts."

"You're right...just make sure you say it really fast."


Debbie said...

This so much funnier in made me cry! I love my girls!

jen said...

i like her way of saying that state better than mine! i always tend to say massholes....

Caryn said...

Awesome. Love this conversation. I couldn't pronounce it either growing up.