Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Washington County Fair...Part 1

Unfortunately, just because I was on vacation from wedding planning that didn't mean I was on vacation from work. And part of my "work" is spending 6-12 miserable hours each year in a booth at the County Fair.

And since I am incredibly optimistic about every stinkin' situation I'm thrown into, I made the best of my 4-10pm shift by turning it into a learning experience.

What I learned at the Washington County Fair
by Stacie

Teenagers still are not cutting their hair. They also don't seem to wash it. This is cool.

What is also cool: butt cheeks. The more you show, the better. With this revelation I discovered I am very uncool. My seat meat was covered by at least 7 inches of khaki.

There are no reproduction restrictions. Anyone and everyone can make babies. As many babies as they want.

It is possible to tattoo every square inch of your body. Even butt cheeks.

Thou cannot live on fair food alone. They try, though, and are currently failing.

Moms wear pants above their belly buttons. I assume for comfort. I am wearing a skirt that sits between my belly button and my lower ribs. It feels good here.

Santa lives in Washington County in the off-season.

Cowboys are not extinct.
And finally, camera phones are not the greatest at documenting spontaneous events. I apologize in advance for the low quality in the pig and cow milking videos I saved for part 2 of my fair experience.

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