Happy anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Lucas!
Two years we've been married.
Two whole years last Sunday.
So to celebrate we decided to take a trip. And if you follow any of my obnoxious tweets you know we rounded Cape Cod and settled for a long weekend near the tip, in North Truro.
Our hotel was
right there on the beach, and at night at high tide you could
just about spit right into the ocean.
Corey could have. I, being a proper lady, am not proficient in spitting.
It. Was. Magical.
Not the spitting. The
weekend, it was lovely.
First, the entire elf shoe that is the cape is just one awesome, sandy beach chunk of land that has the feel of vacation and relaxation the second you cross the Bourne Bridge.
We stopped in Sandwich, Corey's
least favorite place on the cape and I could see why: it was my favorite. Antique stores and museums as far as the eye could see. Then there was this gem:
Hello Captain Scott, your crabcake sandwich was absolutely deeee-vine. And Corey says thanks for the memories....of some rockin' fried shrimp.
We stayed in North Truro through Sunday, our anniversary, where we consumed
large amounts of fried seafood, cooked seafood, seafood mixed with other seafood and chocolate.
Oh the chocolate.
I ate cake at 10:30 in the morning. And ice cream. And candy.
Because I can. I'm an adult.
We walked the beach in the mornings; one morning witnessing a particularly hungry seagull shake the living daylights out of its breakfast, a good sized crab.
"It's the circle of life."
Indeed. But that circle is terribly violent, for goodness sake.
But I digress.
Corey loves, loves, loves taking pictures. I usually have no time behind the lens, unless I'm directed to snap a picture of Corey on the beach, Corey on the balcony, Corey in the vineyard, Corey doing his goofy dance in his underwear and socks, etc.
He's really good at it.
This was our view across the bay toward Provincetown.
We spent a few hours each day in Provincetown, an iddy biddy little village at the
very end of the cape. I would say it rivals Saratoga in cuteness, but don't tell my precious home that. However, what we saw and who we met could alone fill its own post.
If you don't already know why a couple-a kids from small towns like Corey and me would have a hard time just knowing where it was safe to
look, then your mommies and daddies probably don't want you to know.
I found myself in a few situations in the art galleries where I was face to face with things I don't see in my day to day routines.
Unless my day to day routines involved touring local strip joints.
I had to fight the urge to giggle and run from the buildings.
Remember, adult.
Safe places: the taffy shop, the ice cream shop, and that home furnishing store that had
three Golden Retrievers sitting outside.
Although most of our actual anniversary was spent laying around the hotel room watching football while Corey fought a terrible headache, Sunday was my favorite day. Large breakfast in the hotel's cafe, antique/craft fair/bake sale in N. Truro and a jazz festival at the vineyard down the street from our room.
First, I'm a sucker for breakfast. I like food and I like mornings, a good breakfast literally
makes my day.
Second, I'm a sucker for arts and crafts,
and antiques,
and bake sales. This was all wrapped up into one large event. Yes, Corey did have to drag me away from the beautiful Polish dishware, but just having the opportunity to
look was a dream come true.
Obviously it does not take much for me...
And Third:
I love vineyards.
I love jazz.
And I love this guy. And this guy was having a good time.
We left early on Monday. It was time. After a full three days of being on the go we were tired. And Corey missed his dog.
I'm not going to say the first two years of our marriage have been candies and roses.
Unless you count actual make-up candy and roses. In that case, I've ingested my weight in chocolate.
I'd imagine
anyone thrown into a share-everything-including-life's-biggest-decisions-and-a-
bathroom situation is going to struggle at the beginning.
But things are starting to shape up.
Corey and I went on a vacation together and had a really good time. We love each other. We enjoy being together. And we genuinely wanted to celebrate being together.
Despite anything that happened in our first two years, I think our future looks good.
...as long as there is still
some chocolate.