Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So you're saying it ISN'T Friday??

Raise your hand if you're just a tad bummed today is only Wednesday...


Ok, yeah.  Me too.

I thought we were supposed to have another weekend in here somewhere.



So, this week is dragging.

There's all these extra hours in the day, what am I supposed to do??

Don't get me wrong.  I love days that don't turn into night until my bedtime, but I'm a little thrown off as to my involvement in them.

I'm so tired...but the sun is still not officially down yet.

Luckily we have a big batch of nasty weather creepin' in.  That should give the next few days a more normal "start" and "stop" which should help me in feeling I should be up as long as the sun is.


And if I can drag this blog out any further the next thing we know it'll be Thursday...

1 comment:

jen said...

true story...i wanted to cry when i realized that it was ONLY wednesday and again this morning when i realized it STILL wasnt friday...