Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend wrap up

Good times with good people.  Good food thrown in with some good memories.  And topped off with good sleepin'.

But just last night.

A brief account of the weekend's activities:

Went to a women's Bible conference with Katie and my mom in Lake Placid Friday night.  Dinner and one session Friday followed by early bedtime and little sleep.  Woke up at 6am, ran around the lake, ate breakfast, two more sessions, lunch, shopping, border patrol, baking, baking, baking, then bed. 

Sunday I went to church, ran around with too many screaming kids, ate lunch with both sisters and all four dogs at the dog park in Saratoga, went back to church for a block party, hot dogs, and cup cakes.  Cleaned up, went home, crawled in bed, fell asleep at 9pm.

I learned a few things:
  • My mother does not* snore like a grizzly bear.  I was not* kept up all night and I did not* have to throw a pillow at her.
  • Earplugs do not drown out enough noise.
  • Lotion is not a substitute for conditioner.
  • Practicing biblical womanhood is going to be like eating vegetables, tough to swallow but good for me.
  • I do win things.
  • Mothers should not have to buy their own belated Mother's Day gifts no matter how much they do not* snore.
  • Wake up fully before speaking to border patrol.
  • Make one of these every weekend forever and ever.
  • Four dogs and three people do not fit in one vehicle.
  • Mika (Katie's dog) will jump out of windows.
  • She will also consent to sexual advances.  From other dogs, sickos.
  • Oliver prefers fresh running water to warm, slobbery goo-water.
  • Don't bring up antiques in conversations with old men.
  • Don't fall onto deflating bounce house.
  • Hit dessert table before kids.
  • Take 34 pillows off bed before passing out.
Good, good weekend.

And to follow the non-stop crazy adventures, I plan on doing nothing tonight.  Absolutely nothing.  It's going to be great.

*Opposite Day.

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