Sunday, November 28, 2010

Visions of Pink Pineapples Danced in My Head

I have weird dreams most nights, and rarely do I share them because a very wise man named George Carlin once said: "No one gives a..."

Well, you get the idea.

This one, however, I think you might enjoy.

It is one of the more random and bizarre, and very brief:

I walk into a spa and ask a front desk girl for a short massage, a 16 minute massage to be exact.  My shoulders, specifically, were very sore.  She sets me up with a hair dresser who takes me to a dentist chair and leans me back.  I tell her to concentrate on my shoulders and then close my eyes.  This is when 10 people come in and surrounded me in my chair and start telling me a story about a pink pineapple.  Each person told part of the story and it ended with just one person left next to my chair who put half of a donut on my face.

It felt like a very serious moment, but all I could think of was the donut.  It was a chocolate frosted.  And I tried to eat it while lying there.


But not as bad as me riding naked in a laundry basket through Egypt.

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